Uttarakhand boost more than 600 bird species due to its rich biodiversity. Uttarakhand has the temperate forest, coniferous forest, alpine & subalpine moist scrub, rich grassland, wetland & rivers which spur various bird species in an almost entire region; however, there are some recognized birding places in Uttarakhand. The pre-eminent Uttarakhand birding watching regions are Corbett National Park, Rajaji National Park, Kedarnath Musk Deer Sanctuary, Mussorie-Aglar Valley – Devalsari-Dhanaulti, Nainital-Sattal-Kilbury-Pangot, Almora-Binsar-Mukteshwar, Munsyari –Askot Wildlife sanctuary.

The most common bird’s species found in Uttarakhand are:

  • Laughing Thrushes: White-crested Laughing Thrush, Spotted Laughing Thrush, White-throated Laughing Thrush, Striated Laughing Thrush, Streaked Laughing Thrush, Variegated Laughing Thrush.

  • Thrushes: Greater long bill thrush, Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush, Blue Whistling Thrush, Black Throated Thrush, Grey Winged Blackbird, White Collared Blackbird.

  • Woodpecker: Great Slaty woodpecker, Large Scaly Bellied green woodpecker, Rufous Woodpecker, Scaly Bellied Woodpecker, Blacknaped Green Woodpecker, Lesser Golden Backed Woodpeckers, Himalayan Pied Woodpeckers.

  • Pheasant: Cheer Pheasant, Kalij Pheasant, Koklass Pheasant.

  • Parakeets: Red Breasted Parakeet, Slaty-Headed Parakeet, Plum-headed Parakeet, Rose Ringed Parakeets.

  • Babbler: Lineated Babblers, Puff Throated Babbler, Black Chinned Babbler.

  • Barbet: Blue-throated Barbet, Great Barbet, Brown Headed Barbet.

  • Warbler: Spotted Bush Warbler, Ashy-throated Warbler, Grey Headed Warblers, Whistlers Warbler, Hume’s Warbler, Black Faced Warblers, Common Tailorbird, Oriental White-eye, Golden Spectacled Warbler.

  • Partridges: Common Hill Partridge, Snow Partridge.

  • Flycatcher: Asian Paradise Flycatcher, Rufous Gorgeted Flycatcher, Taiga Flycatcher, Verditer Flycatcher, Grey Headed Flycatcher, Rusty Tailed Flycatcher, Ultramarine Flycatcher, Rufous Bellied Niltava, Small Niltava & Himalayan Bluetail.

  • Nuthatch: White-Tailed Nuthatch, Chestnut Bellied Nuthatch.

  • Eagle: Mountain Hawk Eagle, Palla’s Fishing Eagle, Grey Headed & Lesser fish Eagle, Serpent Eagle, Golden Eagle, Black Eagle.

  • Owl: Spot Bellied Eagle Owl, Towny Fish Owl, Brown Fish Owl, Brown Wood Owl.

  • Vulture: Red Headed Vulture, Bearded Vulture, Cinereous Vulture, Himalayan Griffon, Eurasian Griffon, Lammergeier.

  • Kingfisher: White Browned crested Kingfisher, Stork Billed Crested Kingfisher, White-breasted Kingfisher, Himalayan Pied Kingfisher, Common Kingfisher.

  • Doves: Spotted Dove, Oriental Turtle Dove, Red Collared Dove, Eurasian Collared Doves.

  • Other marine birds: Cattle Egret & Indian Pied Herons.

  • Magpie: Common Green Magpie, Yellow Billed Blue Magpie, Red Billed Blue Magpie.

  • Forktails: Black Billed Forktails, Little Forktails, Spotted Forktails.

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